Faversham Umbrella
01795 229143

Who We Are

Faversham Umbrella

Faversham Umbrella is based in the heart of our community, offering a safe place for everyone and anyone.

Our vision is to support our local community by providing a vibrant and safe environment. Working together to help increase independence, self esteem and confidence. Providing friendships, activities and training. We provide facilities and activities for everyone, in a safe and non-judgmental way, for companionship, friendship and support. Whatever your experiences are, we are here for you to help improve your well-being.

Get In Touch

Pop in for a chat

Those we support may be experiencing vulnerability for many reasons including loneliness, grieving, short or long-term mental health, physical issues or learning disabilities. Our aim is to support and enable our visitors to increase in self-esteem, confidence and independence. When you visit, you’ll find a friendly café atmosphere where everyone is welcome. Pop in for a chat over a cup of tea and we’ll show you around the building and what we have to offer.

Many people experience difficulties in their life. Circumstances change in relationships and jobs; isolation, health and finance can become issues hard to cope with. Whatever problems are being faced Faversham Umbrella offer their support in the hope that this will increase wellbeing and improve people’s lives.

A break from the usual routine. When lonely people come to the Umbrella they become part of a community, they are welcomed and have a bit of fun in their life from the activities going on. People who might usually be ignored are welcomed with open arms and accepted. I love to come for a game of Scrabble, a coffee and a chat. It's a unity for people to join.
